Today, after 3 years behind bars and 2 years of house detention, Marissa Alexander was finally released from state confinement. Learn about
Marissa’s new project, the Marissa Alexander Justice Project.Free Marissa Now’s statement on Marissa Alexander’s freedom. Excerpt below:
Since 2012, thousands of people all over the world REFUSED to accept the prosecution and punishment of Marissa Alexander. You wrote to prosecutor Angela Corey & Florida Governor Rick Scott urging them to drop the case, you fundraised over $100,000 to support Marissa’s legal defense fund, you organized community workshops & gatherings to spread the word, you engaged in direct actions in the streets and in front of courthouses, you wrote to Marissa to let her know she was not alone, you produced amazing works of art that spoke to the call for her freedom, you submitted organizational endorsements for her freedom, you sent heartfelt prayers, and you repeatedly boosted all forms of media to make sure your voices were heard. And our voices WERE HEARD. We believe that Angela Corey (now voted out) felt the pressure to offer Marissa another plea deal because you would not let up. We know that Marissa’s pro bono legal team got as far as they did because of the grassroots funds that supported their work. We saw Florida’s state congress pass reform legislation in response to Marissa’s case. And we saw an increase in defense campaigns for survivors all over the country. In short, Marissa Alexander was freed by your efforts of love and resistance that continue to make a difference. We at Free Marissa Now are overcome with gratitude.