Survived and Punished is excited to announce the new resource, Criminalizing Survival, that builds on the Criminalizing Domestic Violence curriculum unit that we released a couple of weeks ago for use during October Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) & beyond.

This new resource includes curriculum units and activities that can be used for political education focused on the intersections between racialized gender-based violence and criminalization. Some of the activities also address the problems of carceral feminisms and crimmigration.

It features cases such as Marissa Alexander’s, Ky Peterson’s, Bresha Meadows’s and Naomi Freeman’s. Over the years, many of us who are involved with Survived and Punished have been creating various curricula and activities focused on criminalization. Much of this work is scattered across the internet on various websites and personal blogs. Some things are buried in Google documents and on our computer hard drives. We thought that this was a good time to gather existing curricula and supplement those with new ones. The result is this resource that includes ten curricula and activities that you can use in your communities as you organize to end criminalization.

Criminalizing Survival was conceived and coordinated by Mariame Kaba. It includes contributions by Iliana Figueroa, Jane Hereth, Mariame Kaba, Holly Krig, Colby Lenz, Deana Lewis, Chez Rumpf, Ann Russo, and Hyejin Shim. Over the past few months, the project benefitted from the ideas and labor of Alisa Bierria, Mandi Hinkley, Santera Michels, Naomi Milstein, Xilli Rose, Andy Smith and Lewis Wallace. Special thanks to Danbee Kim for designing this resource.

While we have made this resource available to the public at no cost, Survived & Punished is an all-volunteer formation and we need & appreciate financial contributions for our work. You can donate here:

If you have any feedback about the resource, please feel free to email us at


To download, please fill out the brief survey here or below. A link to the pdf will be shown in the confirmation message after the survey is submitted.
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