Criminalizing Survival Curricula
Now Available
Curriculum units and activities focused on the intersections between racialized gender-based violence and criminalization.
Criminalizing Survival includes curriculum units and activities that can be used for political education focused on the intersections between racialized gender-based violence and criminalization. Some of the activities also address the problems of carceral feminisms and crimmigration. This resource is intended to help activists, advocates, organizers and community members to learn more about the criminalization of domestic violence survivors.
Criminalizing Survival and Criminalizing Domestic Violence were conceived and coordinated by Mariame Kaba. They include contributions by Iliana Figueroa, Jane Hereth, Mariame Kaba, Holly Krig, Colby Lenz, Deana Lewis, Chez Rumpf, Ann Russo, Hyejin Shim, Andy Smith, and Lewis Wallace, and benefitted from the ideas and labor of Alisa Bierria, Mandi Hinkley, Santera Michels, Naomi Milstein, and Xilli Rose. Santera Michels also provided valuable feedback about the curriculum template. Special thanks to Danbee Kim for designing this resource.