A Few Quick Statistics
| Race, Gender, & incarceration |
About 67% of women in prison in the U.S. are women of color.
Among Black transgender people, nearly half (47%) have been incarcerated at some point.
The number of women serving sentences of more than a year grew by 757% between 1977 and 2004—nearly twice the 388% increase in the male prison population.
| Criminalization of Survival |
There were over 3,200 transgender people in US prisons in 2011-12. Nearly 40% reported sexual assault or abuse that occurred in 2012 by either another prisoner or staff.
Transgender prisoners were victimized at rates nearly ten times those for prisoners in general (4% in prisons and 3.2% in jails). (Source)
71% of those in California women’s prisons report experiencing continual physical abuse by guards or other imprisoned people. (Human Rights Watch).
Between 1,016 and 2,573 complaints of sexual abuse at immigrant detention facilities between May 2014 — when PREA regulations were implemented — and July 2016, a number that is believed to be an underestimation. The report also found that the five immigrant detention facilities with the highest rates of sexual assault complaints are all privately run. (Source)
As many as 94% of some women’s prison populations have a history of physical or sexual abuse before being incarcerated.
84% of girls in juvenile detention have experienced family violence.
In 2002 there were 400 cases of sexual misconduct by police officers and only 25% resulted in any sanction for the officers responsible.
Prison guards accused of sexual misconduct often go unpunished. The Bureau of Justice Statistics found that, of 539 corrections officers and other prison staff implicated in 508 substantiated incidents of sexual misconduct in 2004, only 36% were referred for prosecution, though custodial sexual misconduct is a criminal offense. 55% were discharged, and 9% were disciplined but not discharged. (Source)
Mandatory arrest is racist.
In New York City, 85% of survivors arrested due to mandatory arrest policies had a documented history of prior abuse, and 66% were Black or Latina.
Mandatory arrest is a policy in which police officers are required to arrest a person when responding to a domestic violence call. In Los Angeles and Maryland, the number of women arrested for domestic violence tripled after enactment of mandatory arrest policies. (Source)
As a result of mandatory arrest policies, many girls are arrested for fights in their homes when defending themselves against victimization or as part of a pattern of violence among family members. (Source)
25% of Latinx immigrant trans women surveyed in Los Angeles, the majority of whom were undocumented, reported sexual assault by law enforcement agents.
| Reproductive Justice |
70% of people in women’s prisons are mothers.
1.3 million children have mothers who are in jail, prison, or on probation. Not only are the majority of people in women’s prisons mothers when they enter prison, but many of these people are also the primary caretakers of their children at home.