
From Love & Protect

No Perfect Victims: At the Intersection of Gender Violence & Criminalization
Tuesday, March 1, 2016 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (CST)

DePaul University (Lincoln Park Campus) 
Cortelyou Commons 
2324 N. Fremont Street 
Chicago, IL 60614

The convening will engage with participants on how to pro-actively support and advocate for survivors who live at the intersection of gender violence and criminalization. Participants will explore what services, resources and strategies are necessary to support those who have been criminalized for survival (including self-defense).   Organizers will stress the importance of intersections of race, sexuality, and gender identification within the work of supporting victims/survivors of violence and the enduring damage caused when those intersections are ignored. Through a panel discussion, a viewing and discussion of “Perfect Victim”, a special keynote address and debriefing of the events during the day, participants will unpack traditional service providers’ reliance on tropes such as “perfect victims” and “recognizable victims”. The convening will highlight the experiences of grassroots organizations and defense committees in supporting those who don’t fall into the “perfect victim” narrative.  

We are excited to welcome Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha to Chicago as our keynote speaker.


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