After 19 months behind bars for defending her life from an abusive partner, Roshawn Knight accepted a plea of time-served and she was released from jail yesterday. We are thrilled that Roshawn is no longer behind bars and has been reconnected with her loving family and friends. Through Roshawn’s self-advocacy, a participatory defense team of community organizers and an amazing public defender, Janae Torrez, and the generous support of donors, we collectively made Roshawn’s release possible!

Now that we’ve reached this breakthrough, Roshawn needs our help more than ever. Roshawn should have *never* been criminalized, but supported with housing, counseling for PTSD, and financial resources to care for herself and her young son. Roshawn urgently needs resources to help her recover from the trauma and debt created by domestic violence and criminalization.

Please donate and share the fundraiser with your networks to help us reach this fundraiser’s goal. Your support will help ensure that Roshawn has the resources she needs for safety and peace.

Thank you!!!

Photos from Roshawn’s release:

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